i’ve really been sitting here for 30 minutes trying to narrow this down to just one shitty thing and i can’t 😔 https://twitter.com/hqdada/status/1304192219847561219
let’s see, the first time someone said “go back to ur country” was in 2nd grade. i was 7
there’s always 6th grade, when i had an impromptu discussion with the entire math class about why me + islam =/= terrorist. illuminating. ms cahill intentionally mispronounced my name the rest of the school year
that same year, i had to apologize to some dumbass on the bus who took it upon himself to call me a terrorist and threaten to bomb my family every. single. day.
8th grade is a strong contender too, a substitute teacher would lock the doors every period to “keep the terrorists out”. why he felt the need to look me in the eye every time he explained this should be quite obvious
that’s also the first time i was called a “sand n*****” in class
9th grade was fun too, that was the year we “learned” about jihad in world geo and someone asked me why my ppl want to destroy america. thanks mr barnes, your silence was sooooo comforting
gosh, so many to choose from in high school. my fav might be ms biesada telling someone else to shave so they wouldn’t look like me. did wonders for my self esteem
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