Climate change is an earth-wide phenomenon, but solutions to it start with re-configuring dominant relationships to existence at an intimate, particle/particular level. Treating earth/beings with reverence. Responsibility to all existence. Dismantling white colonial capitalism.
Many Indigenous and/or non-western societies (this is a clunky phrase but using it to denote societies resisting/refusing white colonial capitalism) have concepts of intimate interconnection of all existence. Simultaneous relations. Responsibility. These stories are the future.
This work requires humility. It requires acknowledgement the work must manifest at all levels of existence/being — from personal ways of being in relation to earth-wide care+collaboration. It is hard work. It is always ongoing+ unfolding. It is an existence, a practice. Concrete.
There is nobody who has perfected it. It is a life-long commitment to ‘attuning’ (to cite @geotransversals) oneself to earth/land/water/atmospheres+everything in existence. It is not something that can be captured in peer review articles or tenure processes or western hierarchy.
It is a way of being+becoming that acknowledges to be human is to exist in relation, & that to be in relation is to be caught up in the existence & manifesting of many many other beings, existences, relations. It is a reflection of the deepest forces of the universe/multiverse.
But there can be no earth-wide or earth-wise collaboration without contending with the reality that intimate relations and massive scale relations are interconnected. And that is what I learn from Indigenous cosmologies in my homeland. And strive, fallibly+humanly, to honour. 🌿
It is hard, as a human with an ego, to always manifest this in ways that decentre ego. It is not possible to be perfect. There can only be a constant attention to coming into relation in ways that acknowledge existence is bound up with existence. Attunement ( @geotransversals).
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