You don't have to compare the # of lives lost on this day almost 2 decades ago to the deaths from COVID-19. Especially as a dunk on Trump or a suggestion that one is less worth mourning. These takes are steeped in ignorance of the losses people have suffered from either tragedy.
No matter how a death of a loved one happens, it's significant for those grieving, & we're allowed to take 19 years to do so. I should expect we do the same for those lost to this cruel disease whose deadly effects were exacerbated by a monstrous political leadership.
I have complicated feelings about the politics of 9/11 victims and their families--families like mine. I wrote a flavor of it here, & I plan to elaborate another time. The TLDR is we're often a political pawn in many of the same ways the virus has become
Families of 9/11 victims were also among the first to meet the virus in this country head-on. My family in NY lost two people to it, & I knew 3 others who died, as well, & others less close. Their losses are no more bitter because they perished at Trump's feet instead of Bush's.
To that end, these spurts of insensitive grandstanding forget the thousands who died or still battle terminal illnesses contracted in the WTC rubble. They were neglected and denied care in the same ways & by the same people who have failed to manage this pandemic.
If you want to critique government response to 9/11 versus to the virus: by all means. Don't bring the departed into it. Quantifying death by # & means of perishing is so impersonal & validates why it's a part of myself I wear literally daily but don't disclose without trust
This could be an opportunity for nuanced, compassionate discussions about life, loss, how humans process loss, & how capitalism, racism, & imperialism warped how we view & respond to one flavor of carnage over another. Maybe that could spark some culture shift.
Those conversations & promise of resultant social upheaval doesn't have to deride those still mourning lives torn apart, even if it wasn't as numerous & seems like long ago. We're still in the wars we caused. The memory lives on through treachery--we don't have to continue it.
Rant done I think, social media break initiating. Don't talk to me!

I'm not in NYC on this day for the first time in a long time -- 2nd time ever -- & I'm feeling mostly at peace but a little weird about it. Some of y'alls obnoxious hot take tweets & Insta graphics didn't help!
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