2/ Why does it work?

- Because infected humans exhale CO2 and SARS-CoV-2 as they breathe, talk etc.
- Both CO2 and virus removed by ventilation with outdoor air

3/ Why does it depend on the situation?

Most importantly because:
- Talking / singing / shouting... enhance virus emission FAR more than CO2
- Risk depends strongly on how many infected ppl in a region
- Masks, filters, HEPA cleaners remove viruses, not CO2

4/ Why does it depend on the situation?

Other reasons:
- Virus decays in ~1 h in the air, CO2 does not
- Virus-containing particles settle to ground in ~few h (possibly faster, depends on size distribution), CO2 does not

5/ Results: CO2 threshold for a given infection risk can vary to a factor of 100

- Top: variations of a classroom
- Middle: variation with activity
- Bottom: other cases

7/ As always feedback is appreciated.

Quick comments in Twitter are ok, email preferred for more detailed comments.

Will add calculator of CO2 for a given situation to online estimator

Ppl are welcome to build upon this work if it's useful. A lot more that can be done.
8/ This is a diagram of the processes that affect SARS-CoV-2 in aerosols and CO2 in indoor environments


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