People who compare our unity after 9/11 to our division today are correct. America was shockingly unified after 9/11.

That unity was turned by our leaders into war, surveillance, deportations, concentration camps, and torture.
After 9/11, Democrats and Republicans came together to pass the Patriot Act. To create the Department of Homeland Security. To invade Iraq.
We were unified. We were then exploited by our leaders.
I've pitched this essay a few times over the years during the Trump Admin, when it's been obvious how the security state constructed after 9/11 is being used by an authoritarian to push us towards dictatorship, but with no luck.

But lefties like me SAID this would happen then.
and were vilified for it.
but also we were right, and the unity after 9/11 was a terrible thing for our nation.
Gerry says it better
This is demonstrably false.
Siva says it well.
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