Kemp is not just "a Republican." He's a Trumpistbwho won't sign a statewide mask ordinance while his state's Covid cases and deaths surge. The covid deaths are disproportionately Black Georgians and Killer Mike is there to heap praise & talk minority contracts?
Kemp is a Trumpist who forced the USG to open on-campus education against wishes of faculty and staff while slashing the higher ed budget and reducing taxes. And Killer Mike thinks he's a great guy?
Kemp is a Trumpist who campaigned with a shotgun and accused his Black opponent of being a militant Black Panther communist with racist campaign ads and mailers. But for KM that's just water under the bridge I guess
dubious accounts are defending KM's photo op w a Trumpist gov who disenfranchised Black voters while secretary of state by claiming that this is the same thing as Biden having anti-Trump Republicans in the mix. It is not.
I hate that Dems are leaning toward anti-Trump Republicans & gave them space in their convention! But these anti-Trump GOP ppl are still playing a positive role by repudiating Trump even if they are very late to see the monster they created
And no, I am not a "liberal Dem" loyal to that political party. I am a leftist who is capable of understanding distinctions between different things, such as, for example... principled engagement and opportunism
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