Today is the 19th anniversary of 9/11. It was one of those days you'll never forget in your life as long as you're alive. I was at home in India when it happened.

Below is a thread on my own thoughts on its implications for the world we live in.
When it happened and it became clear the attack was planned by AQ in Afghanistan where they were sheltered by Pakistani proxies, I thought this would make Pakistan enemy number one (which it should have done). In addition, there should have been serious consequences for Saudi...
Arabia. Instead they all went scot free.

I only realised many years later the extent to which Saudi loyalists on the Kingdom's payroll were willing to do the bidding for their Gulf oil shiekh overlords.

The Neocons fully in charge of the Bush Administration's foreign policy...
Launched a war instead on Iraq. If you read what was going on in the DC establishment for ten years before 9/11, it is clear that the DC establishment was hell bent on finding an excuse to invade Iraq. This was well documented by UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter (a former.....
Marine and a registered Republican!)

It is difficult to explain what kind of betrayal of the American public this was. As Richard Clarke once put it, "imagine if after Pearl Harbour, FDR had launched an attack on Venezuela instead of Japan."

This, in essence, is what Bush did.
That decision was "engineered" by pumping propaganda on the news channels linking Iraq with 9/11 - for which there was literally no evidence. ZERO.

To achieve public support for the war, phony so-called "evidence" of Iraqi WMDs was added to the mix. Colin Powell went before...
The UN making outrageous claims which no one even in the Bush Administration believed were true.

Anyway, the invasion was a total fiasco. The Bush Administration tried to get a fig leaf of respectability by getting British Prime Minister Blair to support the invasion with troops
In 2011, when Obama pulled the troops out, the estimated cost went into Trillions. Did anyone go to jail for this? Nope.

What is worse, the war should have discredited the DC foreign policy "establishment" but it did not. Instead, the DC whores were back trying to engineer....
More wars to topple more regimes. First, Obama sanctioned the supply of weapons to Al Qaeda in Libya (yes the same lot that brought down the Twin Towers). The weapons were paid for by Saudi Arabia and Qatar and bought from Ukrainian manufacturers.

Once Gaddafi had been impaled..
The weapons got redirected to Syria to blow up the Assad regime. This combined with the US withdrawal from Iraq, empowered ISIS, letting loose a bloody civil war that killed another half a million (the Iraqi death toll was already over one million).

The civil war unleashed a....
Refugee flood into Europe allowing hardened Jihadists with combat experience to unleash terror attacks all over Europe.
Around this time, a maverick billionaire decided to contest the Republican Primary. Every "expert" dismissed his candidacy as a joke. But then in South Carolina, this happened:
Trump questioned American tactics in Syria too and the unfolding disaster in the Middle East. To anyone with two functioning brain cells, by now it was clear that the entire Republican and Democrat establishments had no accountability for the disasters they unleashed.
Though Trump won in 2016, the corrupt crooks remain in the US Government ready to do the bidding of their paymasters in exchange for $$$$$. Trump recently took the liberty of pointing out the obvious.
Draw up a list of Never Trump Republicans and every single one supported the Iraq invasion and every other fiasco since then. Not one of them ever suffered any consequences for these decisions. The young men who volunteered to fight out of patriotism were cannon fodder.
Not only did these Never Trump Republicans not suffer any consequences, they are still strutting around DC talking about what a "foreign policy disaster" Trump is.

Gore Vidal once said, "In America no one remembers what happened before Monday morning." Well that seems to be...
The assumption.

My final point is that the corruption runs so deep in the country's establishment that there is no reasonable prospect of it ever being cleaned out.

I expect Trump to win - it'll provide a respite from corrupt wars. But later, I expect a reversion to status quo
American democracy is in a deep crisis. This isn't about one party or one particular war. The rot runs deep - very, very deep. And in the long run, it threatens to destroy the country.

9/11 showed us this.
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