Honestly, I think this is a really bad idea. First of all, it's completely useless. What's the point of making the sand white?? It's just sand. Like, no matter the color it's still gonna be sand. People wouldn't care about the color of the ground they're stepping on. But- (2/?)
-they would care about WHAT they're stepping on. Apparently they're changing the sand to dolomite? Now, I did a bit of research on what exactly dolomite is and according to Wikipedia, it's an anhydrous carbonate material composed of calcium magnesium carbonate. Now I found- (3/?)
-out that it's POSSIBLY UNSAFE for most adults when this is taken by mouth seeing as the dolomite could be mixed with other metals such as lead, mercury, aluminum, etc. And it could also cause side effects such as nausea, vomitting, stomach irritation and diarrhea. It could (4/?)
-also cause some damage to the lungs and possibly cancer when it is breathed in. And when it comes in contact with our skin it can cause it to irritate.

Now, this is just quick research and there could be more things on the effects of dolomite but just looking at- (5/?)
the information I got really shows how horrible this idea is. Not only is it a waste of time but it's also endangering the people and the animals who live nearby. I think they should stop this project immediately. But of course they- (6/?)
-never listen and instead they give us an excuse as to why they'll keep doing it. The best thing we can do right now is speak up about it I guess. That's all I have to say about on this matter, thank you. (7/7)
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