. @hrw report reveals #Egypt's hypocrisy in addressing #fairmontassault: Prosecution waited weeks to order arrested suspects of horrific GANG RAPE, until most fled #Egypt. But authorities rushed to arrest, persecute & smear brave witnesses who came forward.
After a woman said several men drugged her, took turns raping her, wrote their initials on her back & recorded this on video in #Fairmont Hotel in 2014, #Egypt told witnesses to report #fairmontassault, but is now charging them under discriminatory "morality” & “debauchery” laws.
Classic #Egypt: security told witnesses "you're making this up", unlawfully searched their phones, subjected them drug tests, discredited virginity tests & forced anal exams, ordered some detained based on their perceived sexual orientation & for practicing individual freedoms.
As expected, women & #LGBT people became #Egypt's scapegoats: #Egypt reframed the #fairmontassault as a “group sex party” & alleged revealing “the biggest network of #homosexuality,” once again quelling #Egypt's powerful #MeToo movement
“The Egyptian authorities have reinforced a ‘victim blaming’ culture signaled where they stand on Egypt’s #MeToo movement by silencing those brave enough to speak out,” said @Rothna_Begum

To #Egypt: Why do survivors have to carry the burden of sexual violence against them?
. @hrw calls on #Egypt to immediately drop the charges against witnesses, offer them protection, and prosecute those who are found to have committed the #FAIRMONTCRIME

⬇️⬇️Read detailed report here: https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/09/11/egypt-gang-rape-witnesses-arrested-smeared
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