How much value to you get for benching an expensive asset in GW1?


#FPL #FPLCommunity
One strategy I see in my TL drafts is benching a high value assets for GW1. I am not talking about Foden at 5.5m or a Burnley defender but players like KdB and Bruno. So, what are missing for benching players like these? or what can we achieve?
If you are benching one of these players then it probably mean you are playing with either a 4.5m or 5.5 midfielder, let us settle in the middle and say that your midfielder that was going to be bench is 5m.
How much points is he going to get? Probably 2 or 3 right? Let us again settle at the average of 2.5 points for argument's sake. I am not saying that there is no chance of getting more but if we were to make an educated guess, then 3 would be the optimal.
So, we have 2 players worth 16.5m if you are benching KdB and 15.5m if you are benching Bruno, and this to get merely 2.5 points. What is the reason you are doing this? Probably a combination of trying to get ahead of the price rise and the not taking a hit early.
If you take a hit for GW2 then price rise might not be an issue if you make your transfers early, which I try to avoid that as much as possible. Trying to get the second asset that blank in GW1 without having..... pay the difference in price due to price rise then you will have to make that transfer early. Having said that it means you are willing to take your chances with transferring early....
.....making 2 instead of 1 is an added risk you might say but is it riskier than missing points in GW1? So, you are mostly concerned about the -4.
Can't you find a player that will make that difference? Let us say that you missed on Auba to get one of the two. Auba is playing against newly promoted Fulham so in terms of fixture he is good to go. What do you want from Auba? get at least 6.5 points and you will be right where you were if you benched the other player. This means that you need Auba to play at least 70 minutes, get an assist and a CS. That would take him to 6 points so you are half a point worse.
If he scores then he gets 8 points, 1.5 more than your current scenario. He can still lose the CS and still get 1 bonus point to cover that. In addition he is a solid captain choice going into GW1 while your 5mil midfielder is not.
What I am trying to say is that I am not going to play it super safe in GW1 for mere 4 points at worst case scenario with players like Salah, Mane, Auba or even Son that can easily make the difference and bag me extra points.
Also I'm not saying that benchin a premium player is not a valid strategy, it might work it might not. Just as what I proposing with the above strategy. At the end of the day I can't predict the future right? That's the beauty of the game.
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