Calls for MANDATORY helmets or hi-vis almost ALWAYS come from people who drive as their main way of travelling.

The reason they call for it is because they believe that it's dangerous for cyclists to not be visible and that they could hurt their head.

It comes from guilt.
These drivers don't want to drive with any care and so they want other people to change THEIR habits to absolve them

The idea that we all need to jump out of the way of cars or get killed (it's not my fault you didn't get out of my way) is bizarre and has been carefully fostered
Instead of changing the way our roads are laid out, reducing speed and making SAFER travel more attractive.

We've told our children to fear the road.
We blame pedestrians for getting hit by cars (Whether the light was green or not, you dont step on the road if theres a car)
This is pre-emptive victim blaming.

I am in a car, if I hit you it HAS to be your fault somehow, so you have to change the way you behave so I don't hit you.
Hi-Vis for cyclists can be mandatory when cars are fitted with speed limiters.

When they're no longer permitted to be painted the same grey colour as the road. When cars are Hi-Vis.

Hi Vis can be mandatory when you can rest assured it works.

Because it doesn't.
In the above image.

was still hit by a driver.

The driver said "I didn't see him"

A pedestrian or cyclist would not have stood a chance,
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