I don't use my real name on twitter because I can't afford to.

I have multiple environmental complaints and disability discrimination challenges lodged with various state or statuatory bodies, and am trying to gather information on others, with the end goal of legal action.
I have also left or turned down jobs due in research due to the mining influence on academic freedom in science, and public service jobs over the politics and suppression of information in Qld.

Then there has been the personal and police intimidation.
Police intimidation at legal protests is sadly not unusual in Qld, under Joh or Dutton.

But I was concerned about the Fixated Persons Unit intimidating environmental whistleblowers here, and the environmental focus of police raids, attempts to change protest laws in Qld
None of this is terribly unusual for a person in my field in Australia, especially not in Qld.

Especially not for people who get involved as private citizens, rather than with professional or institutional backup e.g. journalists, politicians, unions and professional bodies
I've had police arrive at my home in the night, with knowledge of my legal communications to politicians about environment and disability matters, which they shouldn't have had access to.

Being thugs to try and pressure me to do I don't know what.
Move, drop complaints?
I'm not complaining.

Others have done far more than me to care for environments on this continent, and challenge the censorship of science.
I have been offered advice on this problem though, since the article was published.

I'd like to address that advice here, for any politicians and journalists reading.

I'd like people who aren't climate deniers, but still vote for climate deniers, to consider this.
Mining interests also litigate though.

SLAPP suits, a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation, are favored by mining companies internationally.

SLAPP suits aim to intimidate and financially drain environmentalists, not just win individual cases https://www.protecttheprotest.org/about/ 
Joh brought a SLAPP against the ABC for reporting on Qld corruption back in 88. He lost the case and Qld government 🤣

Now, SLAPPs are used by mining bullies globally, to test the strength of local environmental resistance. #auspol https://thewire.in/rights/backstory-slapp-adani-epw-defamation
SLAPPs are also, just the tip of a litigation censorship iceberg.

Major SLAPPs lodged against environmental protestors or journalists with @withMEAA backing, are at least public knowledge.

Public knowledge and a clear case may facilitate some legal aid or crowdfunding.
Attempts to legally intimidate or censor environmental science also come from universities, every level of government, private businesses and some media outlets.

They go unheard of, when the scientist either can't build a case, find a lawyer, raise the funds or engage media.
Everyone considering #whistleblowing faces these concerns, not just environmentalists and scientists.

The concentration of mining influence across #qldpol however, is raising the bar for cases and making it harder to build one.
In Qld, multiple political parties, media outlets, government bodies, university departments and regulatory bodies are at least partially captured by climate deniers.

Refuse to release environmental data, or are so politicized they refuse to keep records in the first place.
My experience is not that scientists are unaware of the censorship or entirely unwilling to challenge it.

Or that there are no lawyers interested in potential test cases.

More that it is becoming very difficult to gather information.
I've twice had firms with a good track record on large class actions willing to give me the time to consider cases involving a combination of science suppression and employment or discrimination.

I was told they'd love to pursue it but the bar is very high.
The expected "the full might" of the institution to be thrown at them, for either case.

They meant financially, for the legal opposition.

Because what's really at stake is the ability of mining funds to capture those institutions, not just my case about one incident.
Parking this thread for the night as it's late.

Will return with a new thread to address the other advice I was given about being censored.

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