About jobs in museums. Unfortunately UG, and PG are set up to fail. You are encouraged to take certian courses as you are told they will enhance your employability within the museum sector. The reality is, jobs in the sector do not come up very often. /1
Like many other sectors, there are only a handful of roles that come up a year. And they are massively competitive. Unfortunately there are not enough entry level posts to cater for the huge amount of PG students being churned out of universities. /2
Universities need to be more transparent about the bleak realities of getting a museum job. You probably will not come out of university with 2 years of voluntary experience and be offered a job straight away. /3
That being said, museums need to do more to encourage new wonderful talent into the sector. And that is done through REAL entry level toles: paid internships, collections assistants etc etc. /4
The harsh and brutal reality is: you will have to take some weird jobs to eventually get to the role you want. It'll take you bloody ages. It'll be heart breaking when you get rejections for jobs you knew you could do, you just don't have the '10 year exp another cand has' /5
If you have the drive and passion, if you already have a job in an unrelated field that means you can live, start your own funded museum project (so you can pay yourself and not volunteer), you will eventually get a role. I know this because it took me 4 years to land my job. /6
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