1. Interesting piece by @emilygosden. I normally have some alignment with @CitizensAdvice but not here. Our system of regulation sees the benefits of cost discovery passed through to consumers at a reset. If material mistakes are discovered, they should be acted upon at the time. https://twitter.com/calaliwell/status/1304296770277703681
2. What you cannot do is mark down capital returns to unsustainable levels. The investment tap will simply be turned off, and it just moves the problem to future consumers.
3. The RIIO methodology is far too prescriptive and systemically creates equity issues especially at a time of change (system growth, technology etc.). Ofgem has effectively saying this by kicking the can down the road on net zero investment.
4. If we want to mitigate cost pressures on energy consumers (which I support), move policy costs to general taxation and have targeted measures to support those who are vulnerable or in fuel poverty.
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