How "environmental laws" left by UPA have stopped 900 km of strategic road near China border in Uttarakhand.

Remember how Modi govt decided to build Char Dham road.

"Activists" got together, sued about "environmental impact" and won in Supreme Court.

Under environmental impact laws, it would take decades to get permission for a two lane road in Himalayas.

Govt used a loophole by claiming it was not a single 900 km project, but many projects each of less than 100 km (which do not require environment impact studies)

But activist groups got together and sued. They won in court. Now the road is reduced to single lane!

Who is the winner here? China, of course.

Do you think China is stopping its roads near India border because of "environment impact"?

Think of the jobs and economic growth that would have happened because of this massive road project.

Environmental impact laws are deep assets of UPA, which are sabotaging growth even today.

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