Here is the form Exist Loudly are asking children to fill in. Happily their minimum age seems to have gone up to 14.

But they are collecting a data base of potentially very vulnerable children and inviting them to be photographed.
What are their safeguarding policies? Who is their safeguarding lead? Who will have access to this data base?

Why are people claiming it’s anonymous when the child is asked for an email address and social media accounts?
If these questions were being asked by an adult man of 14 year old girls, I would hope there would be widespread outrage.

Why do gay or trans children deserve no less protection? Just what is the message here?

How many Rotherhams do we have to have?
The survey is now no longer available.
So much energy wasted in so much denial! Just share your safeguarding policies - then those with genuine concerns will thank you and those who are actually bigots will be exposed.
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