1) Small thread on institutional antisemitism in the Labour Party.

Beloved children’s author Michael Rosen has a nasty and vindictive side. He has long liked to bait his fellow Jews and it appears his recent brush with death has done nothing to change that.
2) Is Labour still institutionally antisemitic? Yes. Is it still being written about? Yes.
Just yesterday @JewishChron published 10,000 words explaining how the party’s antisemitism was allowed to run rampant. The person most responsible, Jeremy Corbyn is still in Labour.
5) In fact Bull is a Cabinet member in Haringey council. So he was too racist to stand nationally but not to be a local representative? That’s institutional antisemitism.
6) @Keir_Starmer has made fighting antisemitism in his party a clear objective. He still has a huge amount to do. While antisemites like Jeremy Corbyn remain in the party it is still institutionally antisemitic.
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