Wanna manifest ur WISH?
Jst imagine u leading a life that u want to manifest. And rest will fall in place. Most of us have a habit of clipping our wishes coz our analytical mind and social conditioning tells us U can NOT do it, U r not meant for it.
And that’s NOT true!!!
Not getting a job?
Not finding the right partner?
Not happy with where u live?
the reason is simple someone hs fed into u that—U WILL NOT GET IT.
I knw it takes a lot of effort to come out of such a pessimistic view of life. Bt next time u imagine a future for urself...
3/4–don’t do it with a nagging thought inside ur head—will I b able to manifest it?
Of course U will manifest it & u can. ONLY u can!!!
Y is it so hard to believe in urself? Problem is— u don’t LOVE urself.U put urself down, compare urself with others & let -ve thoughts seep in.
Love urself! It’s not a crime. 😊
And it’s definitely not being selfish.

If u hv lasted this long on my tweet thread then I’m sure u r on ur journey to positivity, coz u wanted to hear this. These r subtle ways we align ourselves with our true purpose in life. 😊👍
This thread is for those who always ask me ASTROLOGY related queries. Astrology is jst for ur guidance buddies, it’s our thoughts that actually help u MANIFEST ur dreams. Ur voice inside ur head is ur bestie. Don’t let anyone’s words belittle you. Loads of good wishes. 😊🙏
I hv numbered some of the tweets incorrectly coz Lev Baba wanted to keep it short, bt ended up giving too much gyaan. Blame it on my weekend— friday in this part of the world. 😁
You can follow @LevinaNeythiri.
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