So Woodward & Stzrok close the book road before the election & I feel I could defend a pretty good thesis on how we got to the point where are living in an almost fascist country headed by a deranged orange tinted sociopath and his equally inept, crooked deranged family. Thread?
Basically this current apocalyptic deadly shitshow is payback for this country having the nerve to elect a Black manthey thought would just be grateful enough to be elected but not successful: Finally!” they thought. “Finally we’re even and racism is gone, voila! amen” EXCEPT...
EXCEPT that Black man had the AUDACITY to actually get shit done, open up doors of society to more marginalized people than before: marriage equality, those w/chronic health conditions left behind, put some safeguards to protect our natural lands...worked on protections for LGBTQ
Women could now have free access to birth control with their healthcare...bailed out the auto industry, stopped the devastating financial crisis...all while laughing, crying, hugging us...him and his gorgeous capable bad ass Black woman of a wife and their beautiful kids...
And then-after 10 yrs of successfully not caving into the racism and hatred that would crumble anyone...exited with the greatest economic recovery since the fucking WWII- EXCEPT- his recovery was built with the intent to include EVERYONE. FDR’s racist bag of shit- didn’t...
Ok- back to focus. You ready for the good part? This is where we really went and fucked up. Because we couldn’t just be satisfied with the Black man -the sane ones of us had THE NERVE to have a bad ass competent dedicated WOMAN be up to bat next *GASP*...
Ok ok I’ll get to the point.
The WOMAN is where we went too far. She too would carry on what the Black man started and work to ensure EVERYONE had a chance in this sham of a republic. Well hol-E shit- we ABSOLUTELY COULD NOT HAVE THAT.đŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ€Ż
Soooo- a gaggle of misogynistic arrogant deeply flawed shitstains of masculinity stood back for a sec-
observed one of their own demographic use lies, racism, misogyny and classism rise in the polls...AND STILL DECIDED TO LET ALL OF THAT FESTER AND GROW. (Hey wave đŸ‘‹đŸœ @Comey )
And even though these books are full of facts and stories that have me burying cash and passports in secret dark places, scared shitless, and numb all at the same time- they SAT THEIR PRIVILEGED AREOGANT WHITE MAN asses there and helped the orange tinted deranged Shitgibbon win
WAIT! I almost forgot- 53% of their White Women wives helped too- cuz well- gawd forbid THEY lose their space in the hierarchical dust bin of white supremacy...(Thanks for your patience-I’m finally here to the point)
We have dotard because:
1. Those Americans protected by the white patriarchy that is the foundation of this country- got scared that if ALL Americans had equal access to this society-they wouldn’t be “supreme”

Nothing soothes the ego like having fellow humans beg you to exist
2. After observing @msnbc and @cnn feed into their own misogyny and Hillary hate without shame, societal shunning nor repercussions legitimize a raving ignorant radioactive glowing barely walking racist and misogynistic POS with NO pushback or consequences-the GOP were all in.
3. As soon as Putin saw they were all in- and that our MSM machine was also all to eager to help propel a racisty nasty broke ass con man to the nomination, he did what any well trained ruthless murderous ex-KGB officer who has been financially propping up the GOP nominee:
(3 cont’d) as dotard would say: Putin moved on the 2016 election “like a bitch”. For a 💰amount equivalent to couch cushion change for him but many lifetimes of income for us- he pimped out the GOP first and later added Magic Grandpa and his “movement”- to his stable of heaux
4. Putin (and Most Black and Brown people and LBJ) KNEW that at its most debased and primal level- the fact is that the “Silent Majority” would rather self destruct, eat itself, its own children and future -than EVER give up White Supremacy:
5. I KNEW as soon as I saw @msnbc and @cnn pundits like @JoeNBC @morningmika giggle and kiki with Mango McFvck face even after he called Mexicans “rapists” while being an actual rapist himself, assaulting women and try to get 4 innocent Black boys executed...
...INSTEAD of turning to the cameras and dead ass tell every viewer at every moment that once we opened this Pandora’s box of every grotesque character and personality flaw documented in the DSM-V-there would be NO turning back & the consequences would be deadly.
You know who DID do that at every moment? 👀👀👀
And her too:
6. Putin made a smart bet once he saw that hatred enabled by a “free press” under the guise of “BOtH sIdEs”.
He also bet that in addition to the “Silent Majority”- those white men/women charged to oversee those bedrock systems that are SUPPOSED to protect everyone (as of around 1964 and realistically only on paper)-they too would give into their own fears about losing their place up top
For example:
Him too:
@chucktodd @jaketapper @allinwithchris the whole @msnbc @cnn @wapo @nytimes trash bin of “journos” & your neighbor Becky chose to move forward in a bubble of naĂŻvetĂ© - othinking that the moral compass of this country wouldn’t dare elect dotard.
You know who DID know better and this busted every move to get out and vote?

7. And so when he won- every complicit MSM entity listed above quickly pivoted to the “flawed candidate didn’t visit Winsconsin too prepared” narrative. Completely void of any integrity, self awareness and responsibility.
...a bullshit lazy narrative that allowed the people who kept their mouths shut with all the dirty criminal corrupt shit they knew- escape with minimal culpability Legitimized. Coddled. Off the hook for also choosing their own supremacy over duty. (We still see you tho)
...and it’s STILL HAPPENING. The polls shouldn’t be this close. We’re basically having to try to survive what we now know is a federally and state sponsored genocide. Unemployment, evictions, sickness, death, death death death...and still only a 10 point difference?
Putin doesn’t need to try hard this time. We got here and remain here all on our own. And by “our” I of course do not include:
This election really is it folks. We don’t have the luxury of allowing the gaslight of “both sides” to remain unchallenged. We’ve got to continue to fight, vote, Tweet, donate, correct, advocate, and do every fucking thing we can to get Biden and Harris over the finish line.
So when everyone asks “how did we get here?”

Welp- make no mistake- yes Putin and cheating helped get us here HOWEVER the racism, enabling and cowardice all out in the open now has kept us here.

And I don’t know about you- but I’ve had enough.
This whole shitshow is just about putting “us” (every “other” they think belongs on the sidelines or underneath their thumbs) back in our place...we can’t allow that. WE WON’T SURVIVE THAT

So- tune out the fuck shit, slap on your aviators and Chuck’s, and let’s get this doneâœŒđŸŸ
(I wrote this for myself. It’s long, meandering & I know I’m not saying anything not heard before but after another night of anxiety & anger fueled insomnia as this 🌊 of đŸ§Ÿ are made public-I just needed to dump it in once space & leave it & so there you go. Namaste...bitches😉)
I want to be clear that I’m voting FOR @JoeBiden & @SenKamalaHarris . The excitement & hope THIS ticket brings overrides everything else. I’m committed to giving my coins, sweat, time, & vote to THIS ticket

Removing the 🍊 colored lint mite @ ending fascism is just the 🍒on top
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