Most statistics on pornography use say the average age of a child's first exposure is 11 years old.

Despite controversy surrounding #CutiesMovie this is a conversation that must be had immediately.

Children are already acting out what they see in hypersexualized media.

Children emulate behaviors of adults. It's impossible to separate the sexualization of women in media from its impact on girls. A culture steeped in female objectification grooms girls to be victims of sexual abuse.
This isn't one movie; it's systematic.

#CutiesFilm #CutiesMovie
Would be nice if we could use some of the outrage surrounding #CutiesMovie to talk about how hyper-sexualized media and porn is motivating young boys to rape girls.
Does extreme sexualization become acceptable the moment a girl turns 18? Do women consent to it when they turn a "legal" age? Girls are taught that being a woman means revelling in self-objectification. Adults are complicit in this: the sex industry, music industry, advertisers.
Here is a thread about the grooming of girls taking place online and through social media.

The problem doesn't end if you cancel #CutiesFilm.
Did it go too far? Yes. But we need to have a broader conversation about how media is used to groom children.
In this scene the girls use a random chat, similar to Omegle.
On TikTok women have been relating how they were groomed as children this way.
This is the first generation to grow up with such easy access to media. An entire generation of girls is at risk of grooming and abuse.
A disturbing investigation by a woman who posed as an 11 year-old girl on social media. Within one hour, she was contacted by 7 men. After 9 days, 92 men, requesting explicit photos or video.
Objectification *is* grooming:

"Media’s vast reach ensures that women and girls of all ages, backgrounds, and geographical locations are affected by these images.

The sexual objectification of women extends into all corners of culture and society."
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