Today is #nationalsuicidepreventionday and I don’t like to talk about it much, I have been dealing with anxiety and depression for years. The past few days I’ve been feeling a sense of hopelessness and wanting to give up. I didn’t think there was a point to living anymore.
I have been feeling burnt out and overwhelmed with a lot of difficult decisions to make. Any motivation I’ve tried to find is gone. The country’s handling of the pandemic and the outrage I’ve been feeling about that has been weighing on me.
I know that’s it’s okay to not be okay. Help is out there and I plan to get it. No one is meant to go through this alone.
I’m also blessed with a great network of friends I can talk to when things get heavy.
I was teased a lot in grade and high school and the thought of suicide crossed my mind. It has crossed my mind lots of times since then.
There will be those incredibly heavy days when those dark thoughts settle in and play on repeat in your brain.
This will pass.
Things will get better.
Peace will find me.
Here are some reasons to keep going.
There are people who look up to you and are inspired by you.
There are many people who love you.
You are more than capable.
You have purpose. If you haven’t found it yet, you will.
There is hope.
There is help.
Your thoughts are not reality.
Be gentle with yourself.
You are worthy of good things and deserving of happiness.
You are nor defined by your mental illness.
If you or someone you know is in crisis and needs help, please do not hesitate to reach out to someone.
Please #KeepGoing
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