Time to make a thread on my favourite album of all time, All My Heroes Are Cornballs, by @darkskinmanson.
An introduction:
JPEGMAFIA (peggy from now on) is a rapper, producer, audio engineer, songwriter and everything in between from Flat bush New York, but takes being a Baltimore artist to heart.
This album was released on the 13th of September 2019 and was critically acclaimed by many. This album aims to humanize everyone by stating that everyone is corny and "we all do fucked up shit." Anyway I'm not a wikipedia page so lets get on with the review.
Starting off with the first track,

Jesus Forgive Me, I Am A Thot:
The albums opens with explosive sound effects which lets the listener know exactly what they are in for, and experimental ground breaking hip hop album. The song is laid back and peggy raps and sings about-
-what it means to be a thot, and raps from the perspective of someone who is deep into the lifestyle. The song is a cry for help from a "thot" who is looking to change their way of living. "Show me how to keep my pussy closed."

The second track to the album Kenan vs. Kel is a braggadocios rap about climbing to success by beating his enemies, the song has an abrupt beat switch which goes so fucking hard everytime I hear it. The first half of the song is extremely laid back and serves as the calm before-
-the storm (Kenan vs. Kel). The second half of the track goes so hard with an electric guitar backing the entire half with peggy screaming bars into your ears, what more could you want.

The third track Beta Male Strategies immediately calms down from the previous track with probably the most laid back instrumental on the album with an amazing sample playing in the background. Peggy raps about internet "beta males" in his comment sections talking shit because-
-they arent him. The track however much like Kenan vs. Kel takes a turn with a beat switch where he starts rapping violently about those beta males and how he'll "put you in the ground, SUCKA!"

JPEGMAFIA TYPE BEAT (my favourite title) is a loud industrial musical interlude which runs into the next track Grimy Waifu. Not much to be said here great transition and instrumentation on here.

Grimy Waifu is my favourite off of the album and my favourite song of all time. Grimy Waifu shows peggy rapping about a weapon that he has a connection with, it being his "waifu" and he details whether he should kill this person with it. PERFECT SINGING AND AMAZING LYRICS-
-the instrumental on this song is so FUCKING GOOD it sounds like it has celtic vibes and omg I can't even explain it listen to this song and you will see.

PTSD is a rap rappy song on here and it shows peggy having PTSD after using his "Grimy Waifu." Peggy raps about his struggles with police on this track something he is used to doing with amazing flows and lyricism.

Rap Grow Old & Die x No Child Left Behind is a "weeb song" and peggy raps about the cycle many have gone through in their rap career and how he doesnt want to be left behind. The second half of this track shows peggy rapping from the perspective of a baby. yeah.

All My Heroes Are Cornballs, the title track is a rap track where peggy raps about things such as hitting licks and previous disingenuous success of his prior album "veteran" he said in an interview that people said Veteran was trash then all of a sudden loved it

BBW is a laid back track with an amazing sample in the background. This song is a simple one with peggy just flowing like water over the beat about a variety of things important to him. The title of this track refers to his future and current legendary status in the industry-
-painting himself as the "Black Brian Wilson (BBW)" Brian Wilson is a legendary member of the Beach Boys and peggy is basically saying that he is equivalent.

PRONE! is a fucking banger. This song is about shooting people, real people. Peggy literally aggressively raps about killing someone and leaving them proned. My god this couldn't go any harder. This song also features a laid back outro of peggy admiring the world

Life's Hard Here's A Song About Sorrel is probably my least favourite track and I don't think it is meant to be a standout track, it serves as an interlude of such coming off of the aggressive PRONE! to say that life is hard, here is a song about a refreshing drink

Thot Tactics serves as the sequel to the opening track and goes into higher detail about the thot lifestyle and peggy actually raps from the perspective of a thot. Saying "I wanna rock your world, I wanna be your gii-ii-iirlll." This could also be represented as a-
-metaphor for the lifestyle that peggy has, once again referring to that overall theme that we all are corny and do fucked up shit, we are all human. His lifestyle of killing rapping and spending money is the equivalent of a "thot" in his mind and on this track.

Free the Frail takes us to peggy's emotional side and expressing how hard it is to be an artist that blew up overnight. He also expresses how hard it is to be an artist but he has advice for it he puts out music and "if it's good then its good shit is out of my hands."-
-This song also features a FUCKING INCREDIBLE outro from Helena Deland her voice is just so incredible I mean what a track.

Post Verified Lifestyle takes us further into peggy's mentality of being a famous artist. He talks about his verification on I guess twitter? He raps with amazing fast flows on this track on two separate fire verses separated with his reaction to being verified

BasicBitchTearGas is his cover of famous track "No Scrubs" by TLC. This track most likely was placed on here to further the storyline of the thot portrayed on the album showing that she has moved on from that lifestyle and doesnt want no scrub. Heavenly singing also.

The next track DOTS FREESTYLE REMIX is a prerecorded verse from his interview on "the cave" by Kenny Beats. Great flows, great bars, great song.

BUTTERMILK JESUS TYPE BEAT is a reference to the character that is portrayed on this album, the softer side of peggy. This song is an amazing instrumental interlude that transitions perfectly into the closing track.

Papi I Missed U is the final track to this album and is an amazing closer. This songs serves as a look back on his career a reflection on what he has created and how he misses the simper times. This song is actually really creepy in the second half as well ngl.

THANKS FOR READING. RT's are highly appreciated don't let this flop ❤️❤️❤️❤️THANK YOU PEGGY!
All My Heroes Are Cornballs, final verdict:

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