Ok I’ve been meaning to make this thread for a while, cws for homophobia, transphobia, rape, sex, and religion

Queerphobia in Islam is just really odd to me and I’m convinced it had no justifiable place in Islam and is only held up because of traditionalism
I’m not gonna act like I’m a theologian or that I’m an expert in any way but from my experience being raised as and practicing Islam, and from being both gay and trans, I know a bit about both and I got thoughts
If you look at homophobic interpretations of the Quran the most you get is “these dudes WANTED to have sex with these angels, despite being told not to, and despite being told there were women who were willing to fulfill their desires instead”
The wanted is important here because it implies the active intention to have sex is the problem here, there’s no confirmation of the act itself but the condemnation of the intent to perform the act in the first place
Firstly, we see the conflation of romance and sex, even if gay sex is haram, that wouldn’t exclude romance, for which there is no condemnation, and even then what counts as sex? At the most ppl say it’s anal, but what about other forms of queer sex? Sex acts even?
Secondly we see that there is aggression, focus, and intent on a certain set of subjects, who are openly not consenting, this is rape, not loving sex but this isn’t even the point of what I’m tryna get to
I can keep going on how the story doesn’t begin to actually understand queerness and is actually completely divorced from the concept of queerness, many before me have, many after me will to, but the point is that even if being gay was a sin it’s not one bc of lut
And it’s completely ridiculous to assume that being gay or trans in of itself is something that disqualifies you from Islam, it’s something you don’t choose after all
Additionally this means that any understanding of Islam that condemns same gender relationships has a bad
Understanding of queerness, what about genderfluid people? What about asexual gay people? The lists go on and on
This doesn’t even cover the fact that queer relationships aren’t rape, and queer sex isnt rape
At this point the paradigm shifts, to “it’s a sin if you act on it”
This again conflates sex and love, and doesn’t define sex in the first place, there’s no scriptural condemnation of queerness, without massive jumps in either completely not understanding queerness, or taking large leaps in logic
At this point an interpretation of Islam that does not exclude queer people is completely possible, like, that has been constructed for a long time now, put into books and everything, so the only ways to continue queerphobia while also being socially acceptable is to pretend
These interpretations do not exist, to pretend that these interpretations do not exist is also to deny the possibility of the reality of their existence, and to deny any sort of reality, is explicitly against Islam as we cannot deny the signs of god which are found in every part
Of reality, to take in all comprehensive possibilities is to properly contemplate in all decisions and interpretations

I would go deeper but essentially that’s the “academic” side of my opinion on this, and I’m tired, and please do not argue with me
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