What happens when you text "Emma?" A thread.

It's confirmed that @pcnb has a @nationbuilder account. NationBuilder is a popular tool used by notable campaigns like Trump, Brexit & NB Proud. It can robotext and so much more 1/9
NationBuilder can track all contacts with the public. Every call, email, text, tweet, like and comment is automatically captured in NationBuilder. I created a 14-day trial and connected it to my Twitter account. Now I'm tracking you! I called my account NB Prouder 2/9
So every time you interact with @pcnb, their FB page, or Emma, you are logging another activity on a file that tracks ... you! If it's a positive interaction, you earn virtual currency called SC, short for social capital. Good job @uptownini, you're my top earner! 3/9
They can add other details they (or an algorithm) might know about you: your employer (through linkedin), demographics (facebook), your political leanings, address, and even your place of worship. I can assign a point person on my team to keep tabs on you. Creepy! 4/9
Based on this data they can categorize you: definite supporter, maybe, no way hosay, etc. The next robotext blast can then be customized for each category. For example:
For the definite "Don't forget to vote! We need ur support!"
For the maybes "Keep NB Safe. Vote for us" 5/9
This isn't new. Sales people do it. Parties formerly did it by knocking on doors & carrying clipboards. But digital comms have changed the game. How do u feel about receiving texts from a computer trying to appear like a person named Emma? How long is personal ur info stored? 6/9
But most importantly, who is this info shared with? Unlike a clipboard, digital info is easy to share. When you download an app, there's a long user agreement. You may not read it, but you have the opportunity. Has Emma texted you a data agreement? 7/9
This type of technology is here to stay. There's no sense banning it but left without regulation doesn't make sense either. We deserve to know more about "Emma." Where is our data, how is it used, who has access and how do I request to delete anything you have about me? 8/9
What I REALLY want to know is if this info is shared with @canstrongfree. What we learned from NB Proud's use of these tools was yes. They even paid the expenses. What concerns me most about unregulated use of these tools is the high potential for fake news & astroturfing: 9/9
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