As someone who cares about climate change but recognises limits of individual action, I've started seeking out more individual actions I can make that feed into BIG PICTURE stuff!

This is a thread of just SOME individual actions for system change that you may consider!
1. Consider switching banks or super funds to one that divests from fossil fuels. It's much easier than you think.

@market_forces have a great summary where they have done the research on your bank and super fund and others FOR YOU!

If you do switch, TELL THEM WHY AS YOU LEAVE!
2. Carbon offsets
I know not all offsets are equal and MANY companies don't even put your $ into LOCAL market.

BUT! for car-users:
$90 to @goneutralNOW buys a bumper sticker that offsets your car for A YEAR.

All $ goes to Aus land managers to put carbon back into Aus soils!
3. Writing letter to your local member.

Something climate policy experts like @TennantReed reiterated recently. Even if you get a dry auto-response letter, it actually does help sway especially if it's your LOCAL mp.

Orgs like @Climate4Change1 help you with MP letter-writing!
4. Take a look at your energy company

If you are a renter like me and can't get solar on your place, you CAN (depending on your energy company) tick a box to pay only a few bucks extra to tap into the renewable energy!

Or consider changing energy company!
There are so many more things we can do as consumers and voters and employers and employees to start to make individual actions that go beyond us and tap into these big picture system changes!

Please add your own suggestions! This is only a start!
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