Can I admit something to you?

For years, I have attended events and conferences of, and otherwise supported @NomaNational, the National Organization of Minority Architects, but I never formally joined. I thought it was not intended for me.

I was wrong, and I'm now a member.
I misunderstood.

I thought that it was a space led by + for BIPOC people, + I interpreted my invitation to the occasional reception as a generous invitation to be just that, a guest. I was a respectful guest and I thought that was enough.

It isn't.
My friend and colleague @knd7 of @HOKNetwork, NOMA's current president, has set an ambitious membership goal. She writes, "today, we’re blessed with over 1,650 members. This means that we’re a few hundred members short of our 2,000 member goal for 2020."
I still feel like a guest every time I participate with NOMA, but I realized that I needed to do more than quietly stand against the wall at the reception. I needed to sign onto the member rolls, send a dues check, and say it everywhere that I support the organization's mission.
NOMA is the only organization poised to lead that charge. I encourage _all_ of my designer friends and colleagues to join as well: 
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