I love being a sex educator. I love working with kids and teens directly. But my favourite thing is working with parents/caregivers.

Because I believe the best sex-ed begins early and is ongoing. Parents are in the best position to do that.
And maybe you're uncomfortable talking about sex, or certain parts of sex. Or you think you don't know enough, or you don't how to teach you do know in kid-appropriate ways.

Neither did I. I learned. And you can too.
And once learn how to move past those blocks to give your kids that ongoing information about sexuality, what you teach them will benefit them for the rest of their lives.

Because sexuality isn't just about sex. It's about everything...
Sexuality is about bodies, our emotions, our psychology, and our relationships. Sexuality is social. Sexuality is political.
Teaching kids about sexuality isn't just showing them how condoms work and stuff. It's teaching them about being human.

That's why the early/ongoing part is critical Sexual learning is lifelong.
And BTW, I do think schools have a role to play in sex education. If you've followed me for any length of time, you know I'm a big advocate for wholistic sex-ed curricula.

But I also don't think we should rely solely on classroom sex ed. Why?
Because maybe your school district/board doesn't have great sex ed.

And even if the actual curriculum's solid, that doesn't mean teachers have been given the training and/or resources they need to teach the subject thoroughly.
And even if everything's literally perfect with the sex-ed at your kid's school, teachers are only going to have a year or two with your kids...and they have a bunch of other kids to care for as well.

But you're going be with your kids for years. You love them. You know them.
That's why if you're raising kids, you're the ideal person to spearhead their sex education.

This fall I'm running a program that will give 12 parents the tools they need to do just that. If you'd like to be one of them, you can learn more here: https://nadinethornhill.com/real-sex-ed-skills
You can follow @NadineThornhill.
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