We need to take a moment to think about the following things. 1 - That there are some real deep water issues that neither party addressed for 20 years. That pushed a lot of people into this echo chamber. https://twitter.com/MelissaAmour72/status/1304068453196800001
Globalism, while a good thing globally, and a good thing for business, was not good for a lot of American workers. And not having good solutions from the right oe the left means a lot of those people will turn to things like xenophobia and racism.
Going into Iraq, while it felt good at the time, clearly was not handled well, even if it was the right thing to do.

Most importantly, I don't think we thought enough about how we used the National Guard so much to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Most people who serve in the National Guard are trying to do some civic duty, but if they really wanted to become full time soldiers, they would join the regular services.
Instead, they get put into a war zone and turned into killers. I don't think most Americans realize how significant a change that is. Then they come back from their tours of duty, which destroyed their civilian life, and ask them act them to act like never nothing ever happened.
And that is ignoring people who lost limbs or were otherwise injured.

The fact that 22 veterans a day are committing suicide should be a real warning sign to us all. Instead, it's just other horrible thing we ignore every day.
Then factor in the truth that both of those groups probably have some overlap.

Those are real world, directly life impacting factors. We know people vote from their enlightened self interest. Well nothing is more enlightened self interest than their jobs and their mental health.
And again, the real problem is no one on the right came up with good free market solutions for these people were, and no one on the left came up with a government based solutions for them either.
That is the real, macro level issue that needs to be addressed. Yes, things like Fox News and Rush Limbaugh and Pat Buchanan and Karl Rove contribute to the problem. Absolutely.

But if they don't have the deep water issues to tap into, it goes nowhere.
So yes, we do need to get Trump out. And we do need to get rid of all of these Trump impacted Republicans.

But if we don't start coming up with real solutions for people impacted by globalism and fighting overseas, we will continue to have issues with voters like that.
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