like this tweet and i will be NICE TO YOU DAMN IT
@robpilk you have a great sense of humor and i cannot wait to see what you put out in the world next :)
also i want y'all to know, i'm holding back some emotional shit here and there because, weirdly, i can be pretty shy
@Peposed dude i'm so happy you're making comics and putting stuff out in the world (i'll also have our int up soon i promise, so close!) really happy we got to talk and looking forward to doing it again soon!

i still hate your puns, though
@FellHound_ you hustle and work damn hard, and your insight's only surpassed by your talent. so happy Commander Rao will be in the world soon
@CJPendragon you're one of my fav critics and peers here, i love talking to you and seeing your work out in the world. your hair is dope and your heart is big. keep pushing!
@EmmaHouxbois i am beyond thrilled to see your work out in the world. it's IMPORTANT and it's important to me, and i admire your creative and critical brain a ton. you're someone i was nervous to reach out to because i was like oh damn, gotta get my A game on. so happy!
@GeorgieBroad i do not understand how someone can be as nice as you are. you're also smart as hell, and such a positive force. i'm really happy to have connected with you through the Valks and you brighten my day every time i see you on the TL or we interact
@Alterici you're a force for good in this industry, i love your peaky, angular art style and imagination. it feels like you have a never-ending stream of inspiration, and you capture it so well. i really admire you & your work
@jarredlujan damn, dude, i am so proud of you!! the hustle and the talent are alive in equal measure, and i'm really glad you're here and i get to call you a peer and friend :)
@DBAndry you are an awesome writer, an interesting person and very generous with your time! really happy we've connected here and i am excited that Resonant is back soon
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