TW:// Rape
On Halloween of last year I went out thinking I was going to have a great night at my best friends fraternity (theta chi). I drank a full bottle of wine then showed up and started flirting with this boy...
...After a few minutes I asked for a glass of water and he said to follow him. Instead of getting a glass of water I was pulled into the bathroom and before I knew what was happening Nate Howard shoved me into a mirror and began forcing me to have sex with him...
...The brothers of theta chi were cheering outside the bathroom as I sobbed and shaked uncontrollably. I couldn’t fight back because i was so drunk and it all happened so fast. There was a puddle of blood on the floor that i had to clean up and...
...I was covered in bruises from being held down. To this day he denies what he did to me. The cops and the university don’t believe me even though there is a conclusive rape kit that determined he raped me. My ‘friend’ in the fraternity, jacob wiggs, told me he had my back...
...and then lied to the police about what happened. I texted him and asked him what happened but he completely ghosted me. I haven’t heard from him in months. I’m sharing this because I need people to know that theta chi and nate howard are dangerous.
They look for vulnerable, drunk girls to take advantage of. Be careful out there please.
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