Okay here's a great example.

This is a Bernie Bot that was obviously programmed to fire when I tweet "Bernie Bro"

But it's a non-sequiter.

Most of the noise that started on Tuesday is artificially generated.

I know it's hard, but try not to engage.

Here's how it works -

An actual bot - robot, AI - is programmed to respond to key words.

When you engage, it will reply with a series of pre-programmed Bernie talking points.

Once you learn to recognize it, it's pretty easy to spot.

Then when you "stump" the bot, they send in real people.

Those people are armed with receipts. They either have bad articles or oppo on Biden, or in my case, they have links and screenshots trying to discredit me.

Because they can't refute my arguments.

Those people are compensated based on our interactions with them.

In 2016, I argued with them, because persuadable people were watching and I didn't want to let their bullshit go unchallenged.

Also it's a good way to sharpen your skills and learn from other people.

But this time, they don't have anything new under the sun. It's all:

"Biden is a rapist"
"Obama was a war criminal"
"Democrats want people to die without healthcare."

Not worth indulging.

They aren't real people, so you aren't going to change their minds.

Their goal is not to change Biden's platform. It's too late for that anyway.

Their goal is to create a safe space for Bernie supporters to justify staying home.

That's not a battle we can win.

It's the opposite of the business principle that it's easier to keep an existing customer than to win a new customer.

First of all, they aren't existing customers. They aren't even consumers.

They aren't deciding which product to buy. They're debating whether to buy at all.
Winning the vote of a non-voter is a +1

Winning the vote of an Obama-Trump voter is a +1 for us and a -1 for GOP.

So that's a +2.

It's simple math.

Bernie non-voters are actually harder/more expensive to get than Obama-Trump voters

Bernie non-voters want things we cannot and will not promise them.

Meanwhile, persuadable Obama-Trump voters want what Joe Biden already offers - a reasonable alternative to Trump.

What's more, making promises or even arguing with Bernie non-voters gets in the way of successful outreach to Obama-Trump voters.

It's Bernie's policies that make Obama-Trump think Biden and the Democrats are unreasonable.

This is why outreach to both groups is impossible.


1- Bernie non-voters literally count less than Obama-Trump voters

2- Bernie non-voters COST more than Obama-Trump voters

3- Pursuing Bernie non-voters comes at the expense of pursuing Obama-Trump voters.

It sounds nice to say "ALL VOTES MATTER" but that's naive.

You can't target ALL votes.

You can't argue that Biden will help advance Bernie's agenda to one group, and at the same time argue that Biden WON'T advance Bernie's policies to the other group.

You have to choose.

You have to choose the group that provides the best value at the best price.

By demanding things we can't give them, proving themselves unreliable in 2016, Bernie Bros have priced themselves out of the market.

Their votes are too expensive and aren't worth it.

So stop having these arguments.

Stop trying to convince Bernie Bros to vote for Biden.

It won't work, and even having those conversations scares of the more valuable Obama-Trump voters we need.

I know this isn't easy to get your head around, but look at the Democratic primary electorate.

Look at all the people who registered as Democrats in response to Trump.

This isn't 2016.

Those voters are up for grabs. That's who the Biden-Harris campaign is targeting.

What's more, having all the Bernie Deadenders squawking about how Biden isn't enough of a socialist is the best campaign messaging money can't even buy.

I wish AOC would head to Alabama and tell them how Doug Jones isn't her kind of Democrat.

He'd win in a landslide.

Here's a thread about how we're better off if Bernie Deadenders, "Warren Democrats" and "The Squad" stay mad at Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the Democrats.

Voters judge us by the company we keep, and choose not to keep.

17/ https://twitter.com/SallyAlbright/status/1298272156275507206
Here's a thread about how "unity" works against us and seeking unity hurts us with the voters we need.

18/ https://twitter.com/SallyAlbright/status/1296877709990264833
So, no.

I'm not going to worry about Bernie Bros, and you shouldn't either.

I'm not going to stop being antagonistic when they attack Democrats.

I'm not going to "be nice" to them.

They keep insisting they aren't Democrats.

Take them at their word.

The time for unity was 2016.

If they weren't with us then, they aren't going to be with us now.

We're working around them this time.

Because they aren't worth anything and they cost too much.

They're just getting in our way.

Also, here here--

I never said the bots were Russian. I don't think they are.

And to be clear, I'm not saying Bernie himself is responsible, just that his cult is being targeted.

👇 https://twitter.com/SallyAlbright/status/1304217033635233792
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