I know who I’m voting for. I don’t want to see anymore politics. I’m done fighting about the mask BS. All of this is to cover up political crimes of sexually abusing and exploiting children. I’m fed TF up with politicization of sexual abuse on minors. The left has politicized 1/
sexual abuse for YEARS. I have been screaming with no one listening for the last 5 years that DCF and CPS has covered up politicians abusing children when they want to get satisfied sexually. They pay off foster parents to turn a blind eye to these evil crimes against children 2/
This subject has affected me for years. No one has listened. I had proof from a DCF investigator on these facts. They can’t come forward. Do you know why? They would be Epsteined and they knew it. So they tried to protect the children as best they could. It’s disgusting to me 3/
how what should be a human issue has become a partisan issue by the left. When I was working for a safe home for trafficking victims, I was accused by leftists about not caring about victims bc of my moral/political views. How disgusting people can be. There’s a reason I muted 4/
most political names and words bc that seems to be the most important BS to many of you. What should be blown up is the the sexual abuse of children like this movie Cuties or Maxwell’s testimony. This needs to be LOUDER than BLM or rioting or masks or what Trump did yesterday. 5/
We need to be so loud and annoying about this issue that it forces people to get of their lazy asses to actually DO something about it instead of just talking about it. Everyone can do SOMETHING. End/
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