I'm sorry I'm tweeting about politics (a pathology, surely) but I have no one to yell at IRL!!! the mere fact that Biden is bad is not a reason not to vote for him! you need another premise, such as "you should never do anything bad, even when the alternative is worse"
or maybe, "not voting for Biden will actually make things better in this concrete way"
I am not saying there is no coherent argument with the conclusion that you shouldn't vote for Biden, but I AM saying the people on Instagram posting dumb infographics that say Biden is bad have not made logically coherent arguments for not voting for Biden
which makes their self-satisfaction AGGRAVATING TO ME
I clicked one of the articles the infographics pointed me to (rookie mistake--can you tell I am supposed to be writing?) and the article was like, "I don't have to ACCEPT THESE TWO BAD OPTIONS. here's a list of reasons why Biden is bad"
uh...what is the connection between those thoughts? the fact that Biden is bad has nothing to do with whether ou have accept the two bad options, which, for now, if you live in America, you do!
I do not like Joe Biden, OBVIOUSLY, so the "did you realize Joe Biden is bad?" mic drop has NO EFFECT ON ME, but if you are of a leftist persuasion HOW MY GOD HOW can you think not voting for Biden is a good idea? https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/nlrb-workers-rights-trump/
people are like 'instead of voting for Biden, organize!' how are you going to DO THAT if trump keeps attacking our ability to organize or even VOTE at this rate
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