Screw it, here's a whole thread of Wellington Heritage listed homes which are complete bollocks:
7 Seddon Terrace. Built in 1908. Listed as "a good example of a modest single storey villa."
21 Holloway Road, Aro Valley. Built in 1906.
Listed as having "architectural value as a representative of a simple, two storey, dwelling".
62 Marojirbanks St. Built in 1935.
"Representative of many inner city dwellings in Wellington."
Apparently only listed because William Downes, a moderately successful dentist in the 40s once lived there.
205 and 207 Aro Street. Built in 1897.

"These buildings have not been associated with any events of great importance"

Listed as: "representative examples of the modest workers cottages."
3 Entrance Street, Aro Valley. Built in 1904.

Has "modest aesthetic value" (AKA: it's purple) though that was "lessened somewhat" by renovations in the late 1980s.

"No events or persons of any note are associated with this place".
274 and 276 The Terrace,

Listed as "a good representative example of middleclass housing."

"They both appear to have had an uneventful and representative history."
3 Seddon Terrace, built 1908.

"A good example of a modest single storey villa" with "modest townscape value".
In total, 232 houses in Wellington are heritage-listed, and a good number have little to no justification at all.

I live in an 1890s flat with a leaky roof and rattly windows. My pair of Rugby World Cup 2011 memorabilia undies have more heritage value than that shithole.
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