#Presidementia #TrumpBrainDroppings Fake Briefing Thursday: 1/ Trump opens up bullshitting about college students & football players back on campus, ignoring data & science. Then rambles about Biden, “let’s see what happens,” crazy tangential run-on sentence about swine flu.
#Presidementia #TrumpBrainDroppings Fake Briefing Thursday: 2/ A tired, mentally disorganized Trump is wandering through his freestyle loose associations & old grievances. Depleted stockpile, China virus, media terrible, “you look at” this & that, Hunter Biden calf splatter.
#Presidementia #TrumpBrainDroppings Fake Briefing Thursday: 3/ Impaired Trump returns to his written text, says Pompeo going to Qatar, “lot of progress in Afghanistan,” & “we kept the oil & helping the Kurds,” a purely strange brew of bullshit & delusion. Phony witch hunts!
#Presidementia #TrumpBrainDroppings Fake Briefing Thursday: 4/ Fatigued, dull-witted Trump is all over the place, & I can’t follow his incoherent 10 min run-on stream of impaired consciousness. “We’ll see how it all goes.” Now repeating his military buildup bullshit. Questions?
#Presidementia #TrumpBrainDroppings Fake Briefing Thursday: 5/ Asked about why he lied to the American people, he rambles a non-responsive bullshit monologue, gets visibly angry. Turns to “Scott” to bail him out. He has no answer. “China’s fault” maneuver fails. More BS/CS...
#Presidementia #TrumpBrainDroppings Fake Briefing Thursday: 6/ Trump flaps his gums & repeats standard BS about China, attacks reporter as “disgraceful,” has no answer on the “play it down” scandal. All he has is “you look at,” ventilators, & Pelosi/Cuomo bad bad bad. Dementia.
#Presidementia #TrumpBrainDroppings Fake Briefing Thursday: 7/ Trump is flailing badly & babbling like a “let’s see hat happens” idiot. Softball re Durham goes over Trump’s head: “They lied, cheated, spied on my campaign. Treason, Comey disgrace...” Perseverates old grievances.
#Presidementia #TrumpBrainDroppings Fake Briefing Thursday: 8/ Reporters today have a cognitively impaired, mentally deranged Trump on the ropes, babbling like a drunk at the end of the bar. Abruptly leaves! You should watch this on YouTube.
#Presidementia #TrumpBrainDroppings Fake Briefing Thursday: 9/ WOW...This was the worst Trump mental debacle yet. He was on the ropes & staggering like a three legged coyote on peyote. He was peppered relentlessly about the lying & “play it down” scandal. Gave up & fled the room!
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