After a really good FPL season in 18/19, it’s safe to say last season was a disappointment. Here are some mistakes (in no particular order) I won’t be repeating this season.

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Last season I definitely didn’t get around to watching enough games. Stats are essential in basing our decisions (and of course they also tell a story) but watching a player with your own eyes can tell you a lot you may didn’t already know.
Just the positions they’re taking up, their confidence levels, threatening action, and how many chances they’re either creating or close to creating can tell you a lot about the player and give indications on whether they’re about to hit form.
Last season the brilliant @FPL__Raptor did a thread/article on FOMO (fear of missing out) and the psychology behind others enjoying something that we’re missing out on. Often it eats away at me that I don’t own certain players. For example, I worried too much about
..other managers owning Aguero, when I didn’t. When I finally owned him and captained him he didn’t start and came off the bench for a 1 pointer, also blocking my VC points 🙄. If the player you don’t own makes it impossible to not own him the chances are you’ll get him soon..
anyway, but there is no point in constantly fretting over who you don’t have. Sometimes it’s better to stop analyzing the crowd and just focus on your own team. The fact is we can’t have them all.
And with that, start trusting my players a little more too. We’ve all seen those tools where had we have kept the same team since the beginning of the season for ‘x’ number of weeks we’d have had ‘y’ more points. It’s always a bit of a shock!
In the background, I was always planning a path to drop a premium player and get another one in, not focusing on who I DID have. l need to trust my decisions and instincts a bit more. Over time, it may well turn out to be a transfer that didn’t work out but you have to have..
the patience for that to manifest itself. For example, I dropped TAA right before his 20+ point haul against LEI. I’m still asking myself why to this day?! 😂 He ended up returning 210 points. I should have trusted him enough to keep him all season, barring blanks of course.
Sometimes our biggest enemy in this game is ourselves. There are highs and lows, but the lows feel wretched. At the end of the day it’s just a game and we have to enjoy it. I found myself losing the enjoyment aspect at a point last season because I was..
putting too much pressure on myself. Once I took the pressure off I immediately found myself back to enjoying the game more. Some of the best FPL managers have gone on record to say they only look at a few stats such xG and big chances and then just focus on fixtures and form.
We’ve all done the ‘rage transfer’, and sometimes it really does make us feel better after a bad GW. But it really is a reaction on impulse. Last season I saw a trend appear where the extra hit just didn’t seem to work out and dropped my rank compared..
to not making it all. Each hit is a risk, sometimes it pays off, sometimes it doesn’t. I’ll be much more conservative this season. I will take the odd hit occasionally depending on the state of my team, but mainly where I want to captain a player.
If there is no clear transfer you can make that you feel will help your team, just don’t make one. Save it and re-evaluate at the next deadline. I took far fewer hits in 2018/19 and that definitely was a factor in my rank.
It’s cliche I know, but if you’re going to be successful in this game and hold a good rank it’s imperative you get the captain right most weeks. It just makes your life so much easier. There is no science to it, you just have to make the most
informed choice and go with it. I often stayed away from a captain in the early kick-off fearing if he blanked my entire GW would be ruined but there were a few occasions where I swapped out my captain in the last minute to a match which wasn’t the early kick off and it backfired
Son was an example for me a couple of times, and later in the GW my actual captain blanked. Your captain has to be the ‘right’ choice. If you believe that’s from the early kickoff, so be it. This relates to #4 where you just have to trust your decision.
If any of this relates to you or helps you in your strategy for the coming season, please share! Thanks for reading! 👍
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