MINI-THREAD: Denis Villeneuve's color theory & DUNE
I noticed something about the color in the trailer that I think will play a big role in how Denis Villeneuve portrays Paul's prescient visions. He's going to use color context in a way that is not only similar to a method he used in 2049, but harkens back to his surrealist ENEMY.
Denis Villeneuve told @Collider in 2017 that he “wanted to use color in a narrative way like I never did before” and the color yellow “has meaning for me” and is “like a trail you can follow in the movie.” This is the yellow-orange that is present as K’s investigation progresses.
While 2049 contrasts the yellow trail of mystery with bright blues, greens and purples to depict a possible future version for our world, ENEMY's color palette is utterly singular. The story and the way it is told is not anything like our reality. It's sickly, nightmarish yellow.
Unlike 2049, the color tones of DUNE are more naturalistic and subdued, which fits the story, themes and world of DUNE. Caladan's blues and greens feel straight out of ARRIVAL, and the brown of Arrakis is reminiscent of INCENDIES.
However, the trailer provides exceptions, mainly in some shots of Chani. They're bathed in a dreamy, almost sparkling yellow-orange. I think these shots are likely depicting Paul's visions that he experiences throughout the story, contrasting sharply with his present reality.
Paul’s prescience doesn’t just bring him visions of Chani... although I won’t spoil that here! But I believe Villeneuve’s past use of color, especially in depicting alternate reality in ENEMY and highlighting a “chosen one” narrative in 2049, will inform his use of color in DUNE.
You can follow @JohnnySobczak.
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