What do we learn from this exercise?

1. It is does not matter whether we use x, y, a or p as the variable. The eqn. would look different but it would actually solve for the same problem and would present the same answer. That's why idol worship and polytheism are interconnected.
The variables i.e. the 'idols' can look different but that doesn't change the final ground truth for which we are making the philosophical inquiry.
2. If a simple question like this, which involves solution of polynomial eqn. cannot be solved without 'assuming that an answer exists' and 'its representation using a variable (read: idol)', how can one solve much tougher problems which involve multi-variable calculus?
Hence, using an idol as a physical representation of the ground truth allows our problem to be simplified. This in turn helps us solve much harder problems. An idol is a proof of one's clarity of thought and philosophical sophistication.
Thus, regions of abundance gave rise to natural religions/idol worship while regions of scarcity produced counter-religions. A reading of their 'holy' books shows lack of philosophical sophistication for this reason & makes their religion look like a collection of do's & dont's.
In summary, idol worship is an outcome of complex-adaptive human societies. It strengthens superrational behaviour, thus ensuring civilizational longevity. It provides clarity needed to solve tough problems and is a sign of philosophical sophistication, found in ancient cultures.
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