*sigh* okay. One thing I wanna say - I find it fascinating that the only thing that people are obsessed with in the movie is the sexualization.

There are SO many threads to discuss in the movie about how we impress womanhood on young girls and how womanhood is defined.
There are directorial choices that I personally wish would have been modified but are not close to the level of panic that ppl are raising.

And frankly while I don't like the shooting style the discourse speaks more to overblown moral panic to react than real concern.
If you watched the movie and had no thoughts about an 11 year old Black Muslim girl being involved in cooking, cleaning, child rearing, and learning wifely duties the second she got her period but all the thoughts about her being fascinated by twerking...explain yourself
Because there is so much to be said about the chaotic attempt of trying to seek liberation in your body when no one, as a child, is willing to speak to you, but you are told you are a woman at the same time. That conflicted purgatory is hard to capture and needs care.
I don't think the director completely landed it like I said - there are parts I diverge from but there are really touching parts, and parts I, personally, have lived. In France at that. so the movie isn't coming from an imagined place.
One last connection I want to make here - in @Nijla1 's movie Jinn, her story was a coming of age tale of a revert teenager (a key distinction) - who, when seeking control & agency in a time when decisions are being made for her, also turns to provocative dancing & social media.
The age here matters - she is in high school and not 11. I wont pretend it doesnt. But what I want to connect to here is this idea of it being unheard of for young girls to just try to reclaim and explore their bodies as a sense of control when they are figuring themselves out.
Jinn is a beautiful movie by the way and I highly recommend it ♥️
Ok LAST NOTES lmao - in case people don't know, France has a very active street dance culture? I'm not saying this to excuse or minimize or act like this is nothing - but if you have lived in Marseille or Paris or Lyon you know this is true. I felt like ppl should know that.
For example - this is Maimouna (pure coincide that she shares the same first name as the director lol). She has about 200K followers on IG. And she gets brand deals and collabs with other dancers. She's a Franco-comorian young girl based out of Paris.
I followed her on IG well before this movie. Most of her dances are just straight regular just crushing choreography. But yes, there are vids with her whining, or her doing some more traditional Comorian style dancing which is has hip work in it, or even with a bra/shorts.
Again: I'm not saying that this is on the same level as the movie. All just framing this as - the touchpoints were not made up.
Okay Ill try to shut up now 😭😭😭😭 sorry
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