Much of the Western United States is cloaked in wildfire smoke at the moment. Some air quality indicators are "off the charts" with air that's the worst in the world and hazardous to breathe.

(This is an eerie shot from our reporter @jrdscience from Oregon on Tuesday.)
In times like this, many people are looking for answers.

How do we know how bad the smoke is, where it's going, or what it's made of?

(NASA Earth Observatory image by Lauren Dauphin)
At Eos, we dedicated a special magazine issue earlier this year to this topic.

Here are some salient points from the issue.
First, how do we know what's in smoke?
Each fire’s exact emissions cocktail is partially “determined by the way the fire is burning,” @cwiedinm

Fires can be smoldering, flaming, or both. They can burn at the very crown of a forest, at the ground surface, or even belowground.
If you have a flaming fire, you get more complete combustion and more black smoke. (California's fires are often like this).

If something is smoldering, you get less complete combustion, and more white organic carbon or white smoke, like from a charcoal grill.
Of course, 🌲🌱🍃🌴 matter too.

In the Amazon, fresh, green canopies of the tropical forest release nitrogen-rich compounds when they burn.

In comparison, the brown grasses of California hillsides emit far less nitrogen but are more likely to emit such compounds as black carbon
Next, how do we know where wildfire smoke goes?

Satellites are a huge boon for this. Fires are visible from space—see the brown smoke along the West Coast on 9 September in this image?

(NASA Earth Observatory images by Lauren Dauphin)
Satellites offer frequent, broad coverage at no risk to observers. Also, they can measure critical parameters representing aerosol sources in climate and air quality models, like the smoke injection height and source strength, writes Ralph Kahn of NASA.
At the same time, models must step in where satellites fall short.

Chemical transport models play a central role in mapping the downwind evolution of smoke plumes when there are gaps in satellite coverage and ambiguities in determining aerosol type.
Lastly, how do we know how 'bad' it is, both in the short- and long-term?
One of the biggest challenges in incorporating fires into climate models is the two-way nature of the relationship between climate and wildfires. Fires affect climate, but weather and climate also influence fires.
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