questions for filipinos, a thread:
do you have weird nicknames only your family calls you?
how many cousins do you have?
have your parents ever told you to just put toothpaste on a burn?
do you recognize this?
have you ever held/been to a birthday party as a child that had a clown, magician, or a jollibee mascot?
does your family start setting up their christmas decorations in september?
what parts of the house do all the adults occupy and the kids gather to during house parties?
your favorite filipino ulam?
your favorite filipino dessert?
your least favorite filipino dish/food?
what stereotypical question do you get asked all the time that you hate?
do you have a last name of spanish origin?
do/did you parents baby you? what age will/did you leave your parents’ house?
what do your parents think of you marrying a non-filipino partner?
what do your parents think of the lgbtq+ community?
did you grow up in a catholic family?
did your family members tell you to eat more/eat less during family functions?
do people ask you about a boyfriend or girlfriend during family functions every time you see them?
do people randomly ask you “hey are you filipino?” just by looking at your face
has your dad told you to step on their back as a kid as a “back massage”?
do you have cousins that aren’t really blood related but you still call them your cousin anyway because you’ve known them since you were young?
did your family make you feel bad for having dark skin? tell you to stay in the shade or put sunscreen on?
have your parents ever told you to prepare the rice but you forgot to and you hear them pulling up in the drive way?
tw // abuse

your parents’ discipline weapon of choice?
did your parents try to make you do the ocho ocho as a kid in front of people?
do you like karaoke?
did your parents try to get you into doing something medical related in terms of your career?
what do you think of balut?
do you recognize this?
which filipino foods do your family always prepare during house parties?
what age does your dad say you’re allowed start dating/courting?
what’s the typical filipino thing you’re good at? singing, dancing, or basketball?
favorite opm track?
pick one side dish with your rice. sisig, tapsilog, or tocilog
did/do your parents compare you with other people around your age?
do you wear tsinelas in your house?
do you recognize this?
you look inside, what do you find?
favorite polvoron flavor?
did your parents tell you to go do mano po to all the elders when u went to gatherings?
what do your parents say when they talk about kpop or your ult groups?
what extracurricular activity did your parents make you do as a child? piano, basketball, singing lessons, etc?
what filipino myth (example: sleeping with cold hair makes you sick) did your grandparents/parents tell you as a child?
does your family believe in ghosts/duwende/aswang?
favorite filipino snack from the sari sari store?
can you speak tagalog? can you understand it but not speak it?
filipino or italian spaghetti?
do you have a bag that has a bunch of plastic bags in it that you use as garbage liners?
do your parents save and clean random containers to store extra ulam in?
what’s the most stereotypical filipino thing that you do?
when fighting with your sibling has your parents ever told you something along the lines of “sige magsuntukan na kayo”? what are some things your parents say when you fight with your sibling?
favorite filipino street food?
pick one child favorite dish at filipino gatherings. shanghai/egg rolls or bbq?
do you point with your lips?
do you run on “filipino time”?
do you or your parents/grandparents watch teleserye?
do you eat with your bare hands or use a spoon and fork (unlike others who only use forks wtf)?
mango or rambutan?
you’re still here? remember this nostalgic song?
do you remember this phase filipinos went through?🧍🏻‍♀️
do you have a favorite sawsawan (bagoong, patis, soy sauce at vinegar, etc) or do you eat your food dry?
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