Questions for kpoppies: a thread
why do y'all like your faves flopping but then blame it on armys?
why do y'all think that hating on BTS is a personality trait?
why do y'all compare your faves vocals to BTS when you know that BTS can sing circles around your faves anytime
why do y'all always say that BTS isnt the standard but get pissed when you dont break their record?
why do y'all think that giving a live album is better than getting an actual album with actual songs in it???
why do y'all always stalk army twitter?
why do y'all have a humiliation kink??
why do have are half of y'all white male who are gg stans??
why do you get pissed when people say that BTS paved the way and made your faves more relevant in the west when you know very god damn well its true?
why do y'all have such clapped fancams and weirdass usernames?
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