I've been slowly converting our front yard from a barren wasteland into a mini sanctuary for local wildlife.

We're trying to stick with native or native friendly plants that can withstand drought conditions.

Here's what we have in our no-lawn yard so far...
Saw our first hummingbird hitting up the Esperanza yesterday.

It was very exciting. You don't realize how fast those buggers are until you see them IRL.

Tecoma stans - beautiful native flowering plant.
Dwarf Firebush - Hamelia patens 

The other hummingbird attractor.

Also attracting lots of bees.

Native and drought hardy.

One of my favorites.
Gulf Mulhy (aka Pink Mulhy) - Muhlenbergia capillaris

Local native grass. Has huge pink bloom when nature. Great as ornamental.

A bit hard to find. Snatch it up if you see it. I spent months looking for a local source.
Lantana - about 7 local variety (up to 150 variety world wide)

I'm not sure which variety this one is. But we have a ton of them in the yard.

Bees and butterflies LOVE them. My mom hates them (says they stink).
Blue Daze - Evolvulus glomeratus

Great native ground cover. The flowers are the absolute most perfect shade of lapis blue.

Not quite as drought tolarent as the other plants.

Cheap as dirt. Buy them by the pallet.
Vitex - vitex agnus–castus

Looks a bit like hemp leaves. 😉

Careful where you plant them, they will get huge. It's technically a tree.

This one stopped flowering after I put it in the ground. ☹️ But, it's very pretty when flowering.
Pentas - Pentas lanceolata

Not native, but looks nice. The insects love them.
Mexican petunia - Ruellia angustifolia

Native-ish. Very drought hardy.

They look much nicer when mature.

I just planted these.
Shrimp Plant - Justicia brandegean

I think it's native-ish.

Flowers are beautiful... And look like shrimp.

Hummingbird attractor.
Mexican Bush Sage - Salvia leucantha

Native-ish. Has beautiful purple flowers when mature.
Texas Sage - Leucophyllum frutescens

Leaves should be a bright silver color... Not sure why this one is not.

Beautiful delicate purple flowers. The bigger bushes at the store were just mobbed by bees and other insects.
Firecracker plant - Russelia equisetiformis

Not native, but does very well here.

Will be filled with bright red flowers that look like a chain of firecrackers.

I found one with white flowers too!
Duranta 'Sapphire Showers' - Duranta erecta

First thing on every website: Berries are highly poisonous!

Nonnative. Fast growing, and will become very tall without tending.

Beautiful little flowers will become clusters of golden berries.

Dwarf Yaupon - Ilex vomitoria 'Nana'

One of my favorite native plants because it was important to the Native Americans... and because it's name is VOMITORIA. 🤮

(look it up)

There's local variant called "Pride of Houston" - I'm definitely adding that.
Ornamental peppers - not sure which variety this is... I bought a mix.

Definitely not native. But they're pretty and cheap.

Supposedly edible, but not very tasty as they are bred for looks and not taste.
Ok, that's it for now.

There might be a few I left out...

The last few days of rain have been greatly appreciated.
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