One I'm quite proud of creating is The Great Eventually Consistent Mandatory Funtime [Team] Offsite (TGECMFRO). I based the idea on happiness research & the fact that people who get unexpected money tend to splurge, and people who get extra time tend to use it on obligations.
So we created a team mandatory fun day, which allowed our distributed team to have a day of fun, and then share back their adventures with the team. When we explain the idea to new hires, everyone shares their personal slide decks.
Some guidelines:
• You are strictly forbidden from spending your offsite time on catching up on work, chores, or other obligations and commitments.
• Select an activity or activities that you would not otherwise have time to do that you find delightful, meaningful, serene, challenging, relaxing, amusing, awe-inspiring, satisfying, or intriguing. Additional adjectives permitted at EM’s discretion.
• You are not allowed to do anything during your offsite that gets your EM fired or reprimanded or causes HR to create a company wide rule
Since we've started this, the team regularly asks to do more of them, so we're kicking off another TGECMFRO this month and our team meetings will start having time set aside for presentations of various adventures
You can follow @rondoftw.
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