I hate self-serving threads, but I need to get this off my chest. This summer a family member died from suicide and the pain still lingers. I’ve known others who have also died this way, but his death has altered my thinking on how we discuss suicide. 🧵 1/6
The family member who died falls into the “never thought it’d be him” category. A great guy, loved by hundreds, but left no answers. He was a known prankster, so I half expect him to re-emerge and laugh at our befuddlement, even though I know he’s forever gone. 2/6
Newspapers don’t cover suicides, but sometimes I wish our industry would so it could generate conversation. The stigma around suicide is just as deadly as the act itself. You never know what internal battles people are going through. 3/6
As I’ve found, there’s nothing you can do or say to nullify the pain a suicide leaves behind. In jr. high when one of my friends hung himself a religious classmate cornered me to say that because he killed himself he’s going to hell. 4/6
I despise the blanket statement “it gets better.” Honestly, sometimes it doesn’t. When you break an arm the doctor can say it will eventually heal, but you’ll be dealing with therapy and lingering pain for the rest of your life. Better? No, but you learn to live with it. 5/6
With that said, if you’re hurting and in a dark place, please reach out. There are people willing to listen. If you can’t find someone, then DM me and I’ll lend an ear. #SuicidePreventionDay 6/6
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