Questions for slavs for your moots to know you better
cw / food
Y'all remember peeling these with your gran and it was the most rewarding thing
Did you actually want to learn ballet or was it peer pressure and family expectations
Did your schools have two long breaks or 5-10mins between each lesson throughout the day?
Opinions on these two
did you get nightmares from this be honest
Did you have this coat
Do you actually like beetroot and saurkrout? 😶
Do people actually know where the capital of your country is?
Do you get to wear your national dress often or is it more of a forced occasion type thing?
Winx or W.I.T.C.H bc this separated squads like no other
Did your parents compare you to your classmates constantly while also bragging about you to older family members
Did you have school trips to churches?
Did you ever get your face on a Kinder bar
Were your school hallways that pale ugly green or cream coloured?
Did your parents give you a curfew, or did you wander through the fields till whatever o'clock as long as it was light outside?
Which of these was the OG for your parents to abandon you in while they did their actual shopping
ok be real do you actually own a tracksuit . you can say yes it's ok.
Jetix or XD? Either way one of these had your parents mad cause you wouldn't focus on school shit when these were on
Is Easter a big event in your family, regardless of religion?
Do you heat up your milk for cereal
White or red borscht?
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