I've spent my adult life in a state of contented coexistence between the very different & potentially conflictual parts of my background and identity - almost a model child of the peace process & the historical reconciliation achieved between Ireland and the UK within the EU. So:
... while I was never going to be anything but repulsed by Brexit's vulgar nationalism or Johnson's gross dishonesty, I now find myself fundamentally troubled by the way this Hard Right Tory Regime is plotting a deliberate course to destabilise my beloved Northern Ireland...
... devotes such spite and energy in seeking to undermine the alliance of liberal social market democracies that make up the European Union, and is actively assaulting the basic values and institutions that reflect the best of what the UK represented both to itself & in the world
Johnson's Tories offend every part of my complex, once-contented identity. Just as he insults & belittles my fellow EU citizens. And just as he causes alienation & anguish among many millions of decent people here in the UK who feel equally attacked in their own homeland. Stronzo
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