Reminder: your body isn't meant to hold your climate rage. Find a way to process it, honor it as what it is (the instinct to protect something precious) and release it.
Maybe that looks like the three pages of tightly spaced words in my journal today. Name names. Whether a particular CEO or political leader or cultural institution. Or a stupid harmful idea or convention. Have at it. Don't hold back.
Maybe writing's not your thing. Maybe for you it takes a good hard workout or a pure venting conversation with someone who can witness it or a session with a therapist or shouting at the sky somewhere where no one can hear you. Try them all till you find your way.
And of course, the work begins with feeling and releasing the anger, it doesn't end with it. Write the article, make the donation, teach the class, organize the march make the calls.
But don't be like me, for too long, setting the rage aside. Your body wasn't meant for holding on to it, and, if you are like me, it will work harder and harder, louder and louder to let you know that, until you figure it out,
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