Violence against women starts at home. A man beating up a woman at home, no matter the relation, indirectly teaches children at home that violence against woman is right.

Staring at women in the street; passing lewd remarks at them; sermons aimed at portraying
woman as a temptress; or beating them "gently" for a "wrong" are almost a daily routine. A child growing up with all this happening at home and in the street unconsciously believes that woman is a lesser human or that she is a commodity. The scene is no less different in the
school, college, or university. There are instances where teachers are more concerned about what female students wear; how they sit or even talk than about what they teach them. This is not to say anything about the kind of stuff we see or hear on the formal or/and informal media
and the way a victim of rape is shamed and demonised for being "out there" with this or that kind of clothes and all rather than being "home".

The formal and informal environment unconsciously prepares male to attack woman.

I take pride in saying that my hand has not gone up in
the air for it to land on the body of my wife, daughter, or son in a manner which can be called "hitting" them. I make sure I bring this issue up in every class I teach when we discuss a piece dealing with violence against women. I am sure my students will bear me out on that.
Start the conversation with your partners, kids, siblings that violence against humans, violence against women is wrong. That what to speak of rape, hitting a human is the most humiliating thing you can do to a human. Violence starts at home; stop it there for it to stop
in the street or the motorway.
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