5 Daily Affirmations for Wealth and Success

(and why they work)

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"Daily affirmations are a shortcut to a life of health, wealth, and unbelievable success." - Warren Buffet (probably)
You think affirmations are BS?

Just a bunch of woowoo new age snake oil?

I did too. But that changed.

You're already using affirmations every single day.

You might as well make them work for you instead of against you.

Repeat each affirmation 10 times every day.
Affirmation #1:

"Wealth constantly flows in to my life."

Wealth is flowing all around you day and night.

You need to change your mindset to attract it.

Divert the flow of wealth into your life.
Affirmation #2:

"I am worthy of massive success in my life."

It's important to stay in right frame of mind.

You can't let negative self-talk dominate.

You deserve all the best in life.
Affirmation #3:

"I am so blessed that everything works out in my favor financially."

It takes a little life experience to realize set backs aren't death sentences.

Embrace what appears to be financially devastating...

And know that good will come of it.
Affirmation 4:

"The Universe is conspiring to help me win"

When you believe that there is a conspiracy to help you win...

You will find that events occur in ways that benefit you.

Success is not a zero sum game.

You can win and I can win.
Affirmation #5:

"I am open and receptive to all the wealth that life offers"

To receive what the Universe has for you, you have to open your mind.

Accept that you cannot explain every event.

Embrace all the wealth that flows to you.
Use these affirmations to multiply your effectiveness on your journey to success and wealth.

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